In een recent interview (1 juli 2024) bij het EK programma ‘Fussball’ gaf Marco van Basten zijn visie op de kernkwaliteiten die een team nodig heeft om succesvol te zijn. Van Basten benadrukte de noodzaak van leiderschap, energie, veerkracht en analytisch vermogen, eigenschappen die zowel door spelers als trainers moeten worden besproken en ontwikkeld.

Leiderschap en Mentale Sterkte

Van Basten bekritiseerde de ‘verweking’ van de huidige generatie voetballers, die volgens hem van jongs af aan gewend zijn aan luxe en niet de harde ‘straatmentaliteit’ kennen die nodig is om grote wedstrijden te winnen. Hij stelde dat sommige spelers op eindtoernooien ver onder hun kunnen presteren en dat voormalige topteams teleurstellende prestaties leveren. Volgens Van Basten is het behalen van de top niet veranderd, ondanks de verschuivende generaties. “Je moet over bepaalde mentale, intellectuele, emotionele, motivationele en energetische eigenschappen beschikken om de top te halen en daar ook te blijven,” aldus Van Basten.

Van Basten’s analogie met een gevecht tegen Mike Tyson benadrukt deze gedachte: “Je kan niet tegen Mike Tyson in een zwaargewicht wereldtitelgevecht zeggen: Mike sla wat minder hard, knuffel me meer want ik ben wat verlegen, ik heb te weinig energie en ik denk anders over zaken dan jij.” Deze vergelijking illustreert dat je in de harde wereld van topsport niet kunt rekenen op verzachting of toegevingen; het vergt onwrikbare vastberadenheid en de bereidheid om te vechten voor je positie.

De Noodzaak van Karaktereigenschappen

Van Basten benadrukte dat topsporters vaststaande karaktereigenschappen dienen te hebben: dominantie, een hoog analytisch vermogen, de aantrekkingskracht tot duels en de energie om langdurig inspanningen vol te houden. Een concreet recent voorbeeld  was een speler van het Nederlands elftal die ver onder zijn kunnen presteerde in een belangrijke wedstrijd. Sportpsychologen suggereerden dat deze speler, bij de eindbespreking, vooral geen negatieve stress moest ervaren omdat dit zijn prestaties zou beïnvloeden. De waarheid is echter dat deze speler nooit goed getest was op zijn mentale, emotionele en motivationele waarden, essentiële factoren die bepalen hoe iemand onder druk presteert.

Quotes van Bekende Leiders

Om Van Basten’s punten te illustreren, kunnen we kijken naar inspirerende quotes van bekende leiders:

  • Vince Lombardi, legendarische American football coach: “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”
  • Michael Jordan, basketballegende: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
  • Nelson Mandela, voormalig president van Zuid-Afrika: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”


Van Basten’s visie biedt een waardevolle blik op de onmisbare kwaliteiten voor succes in de sport. Hoewel de context en uitdagingen voor elke generatie kunnen veranderen, blijft de strijd om de top consistent. Het vergt een combinatie van mentale sterkte, veerkracht, leiderschap en doorzettingsvermogen om niet alleen de top te bereiken, maar daar ook te blijven. Zoals Marco van Basten benadrukt, is het essentieel om deze eigenschappen te cultiveren en te testen om op het hoogste niveau te presteren.

The Essence of Leadership and Success in Sports According to Marco van Basten

In a recent interview on July 1, 2024, with the European Championship program ‘Fussball,’ Marco van Basten shared his insights on the core qualities a team needs to be successful. Van Basten emphasized the necessity of leadership, energy, resilience, and analytical ability—traits that both players and coaches must discuss and develop.

Leadership and Mental Strength

Van Basten criticized the perceived ‘softening’ of the current generation of footballers, who, according to him, are accustomed to luxury from a young age and lack the tough ‘street mentality’ required to win major matches. He noted that some players significantly underperform in final tournaments and that former top teams deliver disappointing performances. Despite generational shifts, Van Basten argued that the path to the top remains unchanged. “You must possess certain mental, intellectual, emotional, motivational, and energetic qualities to reach the top and stay there,” Van Basten stated.

Van Basten’s analogy to a fight against Mike Tyson underscores this idea: “You can’t tell Mike Tyson in a heavyweight world title fight: Mike, hit a bit softer, hug me more because I’m a bit shy, I have too little energy, and I think differently about things than you do.” This comparison illustrates that in the tough world of top-level sports, you can’t count on softening or concessions; it requires unwavering determination and the willingness to fight for your position.

The Necessity of Character Traits

Van Basten highlighted that top athletes must have certain fixed character traits: dominance, high analytical ability, an attraction to duels, and the energy to sustain prolonged efforts. A recent concrete example was a player from the Dutch national team who significantly underperformed in an important match. Sports psychologists suggested that this player should not experience negative stress during the final discussion as it would affect his performance. The truth, however, is that this player was never properly tested on his mental, emotional, and motivational values—essential factors that determine how someone performs under pressure.

Quotes from Renowned Leaders

To illustrate Van Basten’s points, we can look at inspirational quotes from renowned leaders:

  • Vince Lombardi, legendary American football coach: “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”
  • Michael Jordan, basketball legend: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
  • Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”


Van Basten’s vision provides a valuable perspective on the indispensable qualities for success in sports. While the context and challenges for each generation may change, the struggle to reach the top remains consistent. It takes a combination of mental strength, resilience, leadership, and perseverance to not only reach the top but also stay there. As Marco van Basten emphasizes, it is essential to cultivate and test these qualities to perform at the highest level.

Additional Insights on True Leadership

True leadership, especially in the context of sports, involves several key elements:

  1. Vision and Inspiration: Leaders must have a clear vision and be able to inspire and motivate their team to strive towards that vision. They set the direction and create a sense of purpose.
  2. Communication Skills: Effective leaders communicate clearly and persuasively. They ensure that their team understands the goals, strategies, and their individual roles within the team.
  3. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing one’s emotions, as well as those of others, is crucial. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can build strong relationships and foster a supportive team environment.
  4. Decisiveness and Accountability: Leaders must make tough decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes. They hold themselves and their team accountable, creating a culture of trust and reliability.
  5. Resilience and Adaptability: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances is vital. Leaders must model resilience and encourage their team to stay focused and positive in the face of challenges.
  6. Integrity and Credibility: Trust is built on integrity. Leaders must act consistently with their values and principles, earning the respect and trust of their team.

By embodying these qualities, leaders in sports—and in any field—can guide their teams to achieve greatness and overcome the inevitable challenges along the way.